Sunday, August 14, 2016

curiouser and curiouser

I wonder about a lot of things

     Why do I always run out of gas on the mower when I am in the back of the yard?
     Why do the beer vendors at the ball park always seem to be in front of me at key times in a ball game?
     Why does Pink Hat Man leave the game after the seventh inning for most games?
     Why is there a red truck every weekday morning in the parking lot at Skare Park by the disc golf?
     Why do the Cards give the Cubs problems every game?
     Why does someone have to be Cub fan or White Sox fan?
     Why can't I see shooting stars?
     Why does cake taste better with ice cream?
     Why are so many commercials highly annoying?
     Why do turkey legs taste so good?
     Hard to know the answers.
Attacking, like a wolf......

I am sad it's all gone.........

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