Tuesday, August 2, 2016

it's a sign

I don't have the eyes of a 20 year old

     So sometimes I miss things, or misread them.
     Like the Yahoo story about the cat bringing in the wood.  It was actually a cat hiding in the wood, but I misread the title.  I didn't read the article because it didn't interest me, but that is not the point.
     Words sometimes seemed jumbled to me.
     Whether it's a book, a newspaper, or a sign, sometimes I just mis read it.  I don't know if that is going to be a bigger problem in the future.
     But I do know auto correct is driving me nuts.
     When I use an abbreviation on the phone, it will substitute a word and I don't bother to read what I wrote, so I hit send.
     I told Jackie I was stopping at Petro.  Auto correct changed it to Pedro.  She wondered why I was stopping at Pedro.
     I sent her a text that it took me two hours to get to Johns.  Autocorrect changed it to Johnsons.
     I caught one where I typed tonite and was autocorrected to Toni's.
     And sometimes I can't see the little screens clearly and I end up sending strange messages.
     And hearing?
     I just heard police were investigating an alligator on the city's north side.  Turned out, it was a shooting in an alley.
     Well, I got part right.
     I don't like this aging process at all.

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