Saturday, August 27, 2016

well, maybe yes...but no....oh crap

I am sometimes to indecisive

     Today, for example.
     I went to check out the trees at a nursery sale.  I have a coupon, I have a need.  Since my one sugar maple died, I wanted to replace it.
     I had three trees in mind:  white oak, sweet gum, buckeye.
     The nursery had all three, but I just wasn't happy.
     I stood looking at a white oak tree for about 15 minutes.  I think some people might have thought I was tripping out on something.  I looked at it from the front, left, right, back, front right, left back....every angle.
     It was a nice tree.  But it didn't talk to me.
     It didn't say, "Take me home and I will be a great tree.  I will provide a home  for birds, shade for your house, fall colors for your eyes and leaves for your mulch."
     It stayed silent.
     So I moved on to the buckeyes.  I bought one for Emily years ago.  It was a great tree, but even great trees don't do well in a tornado.
     But they just didn't seem straight and strong.
     By then I was so depressed I just left.
     I could have spent a lot of money on one tree and not been happy.  Instead, I didn't spend any money and was not happy.
     I will be exploring other options in the next two weeks.
     Who knows, I might even begin gathering acorns and start my own oak forest from scratch.
     But I will be planting trees, because it is a good thing to do for future generations.

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