Monday, August 29, 2016


I didn't get anything done Monday

     Strike that.  I mowed.  Sort of.
     I went out at 9 and started mowing.  This was the first chore on my list:  mow, trim, pile in den, call Madigan's office and tell him he's a dictator, but without the tator.
     My grass was long.  I had to raise the mower up higher, but no problem.  With nothing on my schedule I could mow twice!
     At 11 I noticed Jackie standing in the driveway.
     I went up and said, "What's up, buttercup?"  (Not really.  Call this creative license.)
     "Hauser Ross just called.  You missed your 10:30 appointment."
     I had an appointment for Sept 9 but they called and asked if I wanted to reschedule early.  I said yes.
     I wrote in on my calendar and and othe big calendar.  How did I miss this?
     So, I ended up showering and going to DeKalb for a 1:15 eye appointment.  Jackie has to go with, because they dilate my eyes to check the state of my retina.
     By 2 we were at Ollie's.  (Side note:  They are closing Nov. 6.)
     But when we got home, my eyes were still dilated and I had a massive headache.  I could not sort through the pile, though I did call Madigan's office and tell the poor lady answering the phone that even though I am a lifelong Dem, it will be a cold day in hell before I vote for another Dem for any state office, especially one named Madigan.  I also asked her to thank the speaker for blocking the democratic wishes of over 500,000 Illinois residents.  I was polite.
      I still had my headache at 7.
     My eyes are not as dilated, but light still hurts a little.
     And to top it off, the Cubs are losing.
     Oh well....tomorrow is another day.
     But I will check the calendar in the morning.  And I still have to mow.  And trim.  And go through the pile in the den.

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