Thursday, September 1, 2016

what a nice day

I thought today was a pretty good day

    Ok, maybe I did not get the cleaning done.  Or wash the wall outside so I could paint it.
    But, I did go for a delightful bike ride with Todd that included coffee at Cypress House.
    Two things I love, so thank you Todd for dragging me out into the wind for a ride.
    Then Jackie and I went to dinner with Renee and Wendy.  We don't get to see them as often as we'd like, schedules get busy.  It was super interesting to hear about Wendy's adventures out in the wilderness.  If I was 20 years younger and in better shape, I might try to go with her.  But this old and flabby body is not doing anything strenuous.
    The three margaritas seem to have mellowed me out a bit, to the point that I felt it best wifey drive home.
    To top off the day, we watched the Cubs have a come from behind win over the Giants.
    So, here I am, filled with good memories and good feelings.
    That's the way life should be for everyone, every night.
    So thank you all for a great day!
    And good night to all.

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