Saturday, August 6, 2016

confused, as usual

My computer has flummoxed me tonight

     I sat down to type, and could not get out of Facebook.  The little color wheel just spun and spun.  Got me dizzy keeping up with it.
     I tried escape, escape control, escape control, get the idea.
     Finally, after 5 minutes, I turned it off.
     When I turned it on, the screen was gray and a box with a question mark popped up.  And stayed.  And stayed.
     I turned if off, waiting, then turned it back on and ...... the box with a question mark appeared again. I have a virus?
     Do I need a new computer?
     Do I have some updates I don't know about?
     Only two people can answer my question (hint:  they live close. and are married.) but tomorrow is a busy day.
     Maybe after being off for a while, it will work better?  I know that is not how things work....but I can hope.
     Meanwhile....any suggestions would be helpful.  I did try force quit, but it would not quit.
     It's possessed.  The demons have taken over.
     Funny, 20 years ago that would not have bothered me.  Now it seems the computer and internet are lifelines to the world.  I check ball scores, (Cubs won!  But I don't know about the Cards and Sox.) read the headlines, find out what crazy things were said today in our political world, and even check the weather.
     I can do all that on my pc, but I have not yet.  Because I am doing this.
    Usually my blog is the last thing I do before the hour of bed prep time....but tonight, I still have webs to surf, and stories to read before I go to sleep.
     Sorry, Robert Frost.

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