Sunday, August 28, 2016

Monday, Monday

I have a lot to do tomorrow

     And that is because I didn't do any of it yesterday or today!  Have to mow, pick tomatoes (call if you want some), clean up the pile in the den, order library books, research some trees, wash the wall outside so I can paint it, have a coffee on the porch......
     If I get two things done, I will be surprised.
     I read about the rapper who got robbed at gunpoint and went to police to report it.  They basically said pish posh.  Then he turned his phone on to record everything and they took the report.
     Years ago Jackie was pick pocketed in Chicago.  We went to the nearest police station to report the incident.
     He asked where we were from and we said Rochelle.  He had no idea where that was, so we told him.
     He chuckled and said, "In for a day in the big city, huh," like we were some rubes from Hicksville.
     So I said, "Yes. And it's true.  When you look up at those really big buildings,  golly!  They do look like they are going to fall over on you."
     Jackie did not appreciate my humor.  Not sure what the officer thought.
     I want to order a couple of books from the library, but my list is in the humongous pile on the floor.
     I asked Jackie to help me.  Maybe she can figure out a system for sorting through papers I want, or need, or just find interesting.
     Lord knows, I can't.

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