Saturday, August 13, 2016

Huzzah!! Huzzah!!

I travelled back in time today

     I went to the Bristol Renaissance Faire with John and Emily.
     I had not been in a few years.  I loved it.
     There is something about the faire....I don't know if it is the smells, the food, the entertainment or the people.
     There are acts throughout the fair grounds.  We watched MooNie the Magnif'Cent and  also the Tortuga Twins.
     I saw MooNie three years ago, and I don't think his act has changed much.  He did say he has been touring with this act for 27 years....and some of the bits are that old.
     The Tortuga Twins did an audience participation reenactment of the Robin Hood story... sort of. It was funny and they used the audience to create laughter.
     I kept thinking of Exit 99.....and we could do something like this very easily.  We are as funny, if not funnier, and are pretty quick on our feet.  We need to regroup.
     Any way, not Ren Faire would be complete without a turkey leg...and it was delicious.
     But the best part is people watching.  We saw a man in a motorized wheelchair.  The guy must have weighed 400 pounds.  He had a sign that said:  I beat anorexia.   It was pretty funny.
     I saw a man in a bra and dress, and he was not disguising himself as a woman.  One guy had a long white drover's type coat and was wearing a WW I gas mask.  Elves, ninjas, fairies, Victorian ladies and lords, jesters........ all sorts of people who were not part of the cast.
     It's a fun day.
     But enough of my ramblings.  Some photos are in order.

Firsty you dip  your hands in wax

Next you make sure the wax molds to your hands

Last, someone very carefully cuts the top part off and gently works your hands out of the wax mld

I'm forever blowing bubbles

Long Live the Queen!!  Huzzah Elizabeth!!

MooNie plays with fire!!

And he does a tightrope walk and juggles
I liked the bubble man

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