Friday, August 26, 2016

uh....excuse me

I had an interesting moment today

     I was standing at a urinal in a men's room, doing what men usually do while standing at the urinal.
     Suddenly, a woman's voice.
     "Aren't these lovely pictures?" she asked.    "I wonder who drew them.  Look, an elephant."
     I hoped she was not talking about me.
     I kept my eyes, and body, turmed toward the urinal, wondering if I should exchange a pleasant greeting, like:  Hello.  How are you?   Having a nice day?  What the hell are you doing in a men's room?
     But I didn't.  I just finished....well, you know what I finished.
     By the time I turned around she was gone.
     I assume she had a little boy with, which was why she was talking in such a sing song manner.  But, she could have had a little girl and gone in the wrong bathroom.
     I guess the sight of a rather older gent using a urinal might have caused a moment's hesitation, and a possible reconsideration of her ultimate destination.
     I am just glad I did not turn to greet her.
     I really don't care who I share a bathroom with, as long as I know ahead of time that that is a possibililty.  If I know, I would wear better underwear.

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