Friday, August 5, 2016

let the games begin

I love the Olympics!

     It doesn't matter if it's summer or winter, I love the Games.  I am a little partial to winter, to be honest.
     I think it is amazing that people of all nations, religions, creeds, beliefs, social systems, whatever....come together with the sole purpose of competing.
     No sectarian violence.  No demonstrations.  No protests about who should and who shouldn't compete.
     They live along side each other, eat food with each other, travel with each other.  It truly amazes me, and makes me wonder why the world can't be an Olympic village.
     Early in the parade of athletes, a young man came in, looked around, and tears began rolling down his cheeks.  I can only imagine the sacrifices, work, challenges, that young man had overcome to be in Rio.  He may never win a medal, but he is there.  That counts.
     I thought I knew world geography, but there were nations represented that I had never heard of and others that I had no idea where they were, exactly.
    And the ceremony itself was spectacular, with the dancers, performers, staging, fireworks..... pretty darn neat.
     It's hard to imagine that this is a country teetering on the edge of instability.   A president under impeachment, an economy that has collapsed.  Poverty abounds in the hills outside of town, the lagoon is filled with a mix of human waste and garbage...and billions were spent on hosting the games.
      Hopefully, for the next two weeks we can be focused on the games and not the hatred.
      Who knows:  Maybe even peace will break out as a result of these games.
       And I was impressed by the 54 year old man competing this year.  His is an equestrian event, so maybe that explains how an older guy can go against youngsters.  I hope he wins a gold.
     Now if I could just find a sport that matches my athletic ability.........

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