Monday, August 1, 2016

stocking up

I can't pass up a good buy

    I was at a store today and saw tea bags on sale for $2.29.  The box of 100 had an extra 25, so I could have 125 bags. for less than $3.
     So I bought them.
     125 bags is about a four month supply for me.  One bag a day.
     I put the box on the shelf with three other boxes, all bought on sale.
     So, I have a year's supply of tea bags.
     I can't buy anymore..... despite the cost.
     I seem to do that:  buy stuff I don't need when it is on sale.  That's why I have a six month supply of tp and a year supply of paper towels.
     Maybe I should stop buying it and just wait for the prices to rise?
     No, I can't  I have to buy low, just like the stock market mavens say to do.
     Eventually I will have to buy some more shelving units to hold all the stuff.  Maybe they will go on sale soon.
     I'll stock up on them too, just in case.

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