Monday, August 15, 2016

wondering aloud

I find myself talking out loud lately

     The problem is, I think I am talking to myself.
     Usually it is something totally harmless, like, "That was a waste of time."
      But what if I say something insulting out loud, like, "My gawd, look at that shirt.  Boy is it ugly."
     If the person who I am talking about hears me, he/she very well could beat the snot out of me, which is not a hard thing to do.
     And frequently I do have negative thoughs about how people dress, park, talk, eat, look, walk, breathe, and a host of other traits that I often comment upon in my head.
     But what happens when I start speaking out loud, thinking I am talking in my head?
     I don't think it will be pretty.
     Anyway, my blog post last night was blocked, then evidently unblocked, as being malicious.
     It wasn't, but then again, I did seem to be abusing a turkey leg.
     Probably someone hit the wront button.  In my head I am saying, "Just like me, doing something dumb again."
     And this time, that stayed in my head.
     But there is always tomorrow.

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