Thursday, August 25, 2016

plum tuckered out

I am plenty tired tonight

     I had another of those nights with weird dreams.  Jonathan of Property Brothers, or was it Drew? l don't know.  I have to ask Jackie who is which every time I watch the show.  I know one of them is the carpenter and the other the realtor, but I can't remember.
     Anyway, one of them was kicking me in the butt at about 2 a.m.  I had just drifed off to sleep when whap, whap, whap, and there was Jonathan/Drew sitting beside me in the bed.  I had to wake up.
     We have a cuckoo clock that chimes the hour and the half hour.  I know I heard three chimes.  I don't remember any others until 6.
     Now you know I don't get up early.  6 a.m. is a killer for me.  I got up, walked around the house, and went back to bed.....but I don't know if I slept or not.
     I do know I was up at 8.
     And I cleaned three bathrooms.
     And dusted.
     And watered the plants.
     And vacuumed the rugs.
     At about 3 my legs were killing me, so I rested for an hour or so, putting my legs up to give them some relief.
     Then I polished the bottom cabinets and went to the store.
     Now just to clarify things....I do that, because Jackie can't.  If she bends over to dust, we run the risk of her taking a header.  And try running a vaccuum with balance problems.  It ain't pretty.  It has become easier, and safer,  for me to just do it.  Which is why it doesn't always get done.
     Now my eyes are getting it must be bed time.
     I just hope Jonathan and Drew don't come back tonight.  Or ever.

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