Monday, August 22, 2016

Oops........I slipped

My bike riding effort is down

    I went with a friend, Todd, two weeks ago.  It was a fun time.
    But since then, I have hardly ridden.  I did a short ride through the neighborhood and today I rode the bike path in town.
    I am a picky rider.  I don't ride if it is hot, humid, windy, rainy, cold, or on days with an A in them unless I feel like it.
    So tomorrow, if the weather is nice, I plan to ride into town.  I figure maybe an hour each way....give or take a few minutes.
    It is Rotary day, so I will ride to the meeting, then ride home.  Hopefully.
    And I don't think people will notice my sweat smell.  Or my funny clothes.
    But then again, if it is too hot, or humid, or there is a threat of rain anytime in the next two days, I may just drive a car.
    Jackie and I went to breakfast with other retired teachers from our school today.  It was a nice time, visiting, catching up with families, trying to remember names.
    I swear, aging has caught up to me.  I can't remember stuff.
    Example:  When I got back to my car today to load my bike, I discovered the driver's side door was open.  Wide open.  I guess  I forgot to close it.
     I also bought stuff to put on my itchy legs.  Spent $16 on two products and they worked almost instantly!
     Since I bought them, I haven not had an itch.  Not one.  Not a hint.
    It's a miracle.
     And I haven't even opened either of them.  Still sealed.  Stopped itching.  Go figure.

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