Tuesday, August 16, 2016

the lost is found

I found an old friend on Facebook today

     We are now friends.  After a long time, we have reconnected.
     That is the wonder of the modern age.
     At the same time, there is cause for concern.
     What if the new friend (here after called NF) is a radical right winger?   What if NF has lost their sense of humor?  What if NF reads this and unfriends me because NF will sense I am an idiot?  What if NF is a secret Cardinals fan?
     Only time will tell.
     To be honest,  I seldom check my friends request section.  No reason, I just don't check it often.       Then when I do, I see requests from people that I don't recognize, or don't remember, which is more likely the case.  Then there are the ones I think I will accept the friend request, and I forget.  Months go by, and then I am too embarrassed to accept because I have delayed so long.
     Anyway, NF might have already quit reading this and unfreinded me. But I hope not.
     I got an alumni newsletter from my old high school today.  I was browsing through the notes from graduates and ran across one from a guy who graduated in 1956.  That was 10 years before me, so I assume he is 10 years older than me, or about 78.  He and his female friend are going on a 5 day bike trip around Niagra Falls.  The man is 78 and riding more than me!  Not only that, he has a female friend is riding more than me!
     That motivated me to take a ride today.  Hopefully the motivation is still there tomorrow.
     Peace to all....

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