Thursday, August 4, 2016

Dracula, I presume?

I don't like blood tests!

    Because of cholesterol medications we are on, we have to get our blood checked several times a   year.
    Today was that day.
    This is a pretty normal thing for most people, but for me, it is an experience in fear, anxiety, apprehension, worry, and hunger.
    I can't look.  I have to take off my glasses, turn away, and generally hum.  I don't know why I hum, but I usually do.
    And I always tell the tech drawing the blood that I am nuts.  Years ago, and I mean years, I actually almost fainted and had to lay down.
    I am much better.
    The tech today was one of the best I have had!  I didn't even feel the poke!  It was over before I had a chance to hyperventilate and sweat profusely.
    Jackie is just the problem for her.  She is quite comfortable with someone sticking a needle in her arm.
    Me?  I worry about whether the person sanitized their hands after the last bathroom break and if the gloves are still sterile or were used to clean out a toilet.
    Some great author once wrote, "Much Ado About Nothing."
    That's what my test was......nothing.
    The only satisfaction I do get is a cinnamon roll and a vanilla capachinno afterwords.  I know that is not spelled correctly, but it is really storming now and I want to get off the computer.
    Peace out, dudes and dudettes!!

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