Wednesday, August 10, 2016

yech...that's all

Today was a blah kind of day

     Yes, I did get the yard mowed.
     But I hoped to get in a ride this evening.
     I walked Corki and by the time I got home at 7....I was covered in sweat and really, really drained.
     So I had a couple of glasses of rose to cool me down.
     It worked.  Or maybe it was the AC.
     Anyway, no ride.
     We took Corki to the vet today because she has been biting her feet and licking her self a lot.
     Emily said allergies and said try an OTC allergy medication.
     I thought Corki needed her anal glands expressed....what ever that means..... and opted for the vet today.   Boot Scoot Boogie would have been an appropriate song.
    Vet said:  Corki has allergies.  She is  now on prednisone.  Her vet visit cost more than a doctor's visit.  Her anal glands are fine.
     (Digression:  Last visit, the vet tech offered to show me how to express the anal glands myself and save a trip to the vet.  Just the sound of doing that gives me the creeps.)
     If Emily could have prescribed some prednisone, we wouldn't have had to take her.
     It's almost 11 and I am heading out into the back yard to lay on my back and watch the stars.
     Hopefully I'll see some shooting stars in the Perseid group.  At least the sky is clear.
     I just hope a pack of wild coyotes doesn't try to carry me off.  I could supply a pack with enough food for a month!
     Peace out.......

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