Saturday, August 20, 2016

I scream, you scream....

I helped at the museum's ice cream social today

     We sold ice cream, pies, cakes and cookies.
     But not my cookies, because when I went into town I left them sitting at home on the counter.    Four dozen Amish sugar cookies......and they are yummy.
     I think I will freeze most of them.  I may try to send some to a friend at NIU, but have not decided yet.
     Any way, between the heavy downpours, we did sell about 50 ice creams.  Problem is, we had 150.   (That in itself is a long story, best left untold.  For now.)
     I took a sign and stood in the intersection in downtown Rochelle, telling people about the ice cream and pies available.  Several people followed my advice.
     I had a lot of fun doing that.  I can interact with people, total strangers, but can sit at a party and not talk to anyone.  Strange guy, I am.
     If you decide t o visit the museum tomorrow, you may get a free ice cream as part of your visit.  But then again, you may not.....because I can't remember what was decided.
     The Heritage Festival car show was a little sparse this year.  The possibility of bad weather kept a lot of cars in their garages.  The street where the museum is normally is filled with cars.  Today there were none.
     There were some on the main street, but nothing like in previous years.
     That is no one's fault.  We can't control the weather, yet.
     Tomorrow's weather for the parade is supposed to be great.  Look for me, I may show up in one of the entries.
     Or, maybe not.

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