Sunday, August 7, 2016

out of control

I sacrificed supper tonight

     No, I did eat eat....the sacrifice was in the cooking.
     We had a couple of steaks and some vegetable kabobs.  I turned the gas grill on high..all three burners.
     My thinking was sear the meat, then lower the temp and let it cook slowly while the veggies cooked.
     I tossed the steaks on, then went to help Jackie with the kabobs.....and that took longer than expected.
     When I got back out, I swear the grill was at 900 and the steaks were blackened around the edges.       Plus, they seemed smaller.
     And there was flame on the bottom of the grill.
     So I pulled the steaks off, turned down the temps, and waited for the grill to cool before I put on the kabobs.
     The kabobs actually turned out ok...except the carrots were a little hard.  But the corn and potatoes were fine.
     The steaks were dry.  And tough.  And black.
     I'm just glad I didn't melt the siding off the was that hot.  I did get a little worried about the fire on the bottom, but nothing blew up so I guess all's well that ends well.
     I did order a new left side shelf for the grill.  Last spring's storm caused my shelf to break and it just looks tacky, so I got a new one.  I'll put it on tomorrow.  That should be an all day project.
     But at least I won't burn anything.

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