Friday, August 19, 2016

El or L.......

I sometimes don't read the whole word

     Once upon a time, I was given a perscription for norco for pain.  I also have norvasc for by blood pressure.  I was in pain, picked up a said I took one.  The pain did not go away.          I took another.   Pain did not go away.  Four pills later, I discovered I was taking my blood pressure medication, not the pain killer.
     Once Emily stopped laughing, she told me I would be ok.  Light headed, but ok.
     So the other day, I was racing to the Metra station to catch the train back to Elburn. Looked at the posted schedule and saw one left from track one at 5:40.  It was 5:38.  So I ran like an out of shape old guy and hit the train right at 5:40.  Before I got on, I said to the conductor, "Going to Elburn, right?"  He said, "Elmhurst."
     Lucky I didn't get on.
     I went back to the platforms and found the 5:42 to 5:43.  Doors closed.  Six of us standing on the platform.  One lady pounded on the door.  But the train just slowly moved down the line, without us.
     So I had 30 minutes to kill in the Ogilvie station.
     Turns out the French Market on the lower level has a killer pastry shop.....and I bought Jackie a luscious little chocolate treat to make up for me being gone all day.
     Caught the 6:10 and sat with a woman from Rochelle, who happened to get on the same car at the same time I did.
     Small world, sometimes.
     Bu I really need to read the whole word.  That would make my life simpler.

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