Friday, August 12, 2016

holy cow

I just checked my stats page

     This blog has attracted over 51,000 page views!!!  I am absolutely amazed!!  And Astounded!! And grateful!
     I never expected to be continuing this long, or having this many page views.  Thank you.
     I know occasionally this is lame......coming up with an idea to write about almost everyday sometimes stresses me out.  That is why I drink wine.
     Well, that and I like wine.
     I have not had any today but I should because my old info did not transfer over to the new machine.
     Pictures, possibly gone.  No, I have not done a Cuba book.  Or a Tuscany book for that matter.
     My Great American Novel....gone.  My second GAN gone.  My third GAN....well, I actually have a printed copy of that.
     I think the kids are going to try one more time.  If they can't, I may make an appointment with the geniuses and see if they can......but it will cost.
     The main lesson here is: Back it up!
     The second lesson is:  When you get a message that says back up failed, ask someone about it.  Do not ignore it.
     It may cost you a Pulitzer.

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