Wednesday, August 24, 2016

a full day

This was a busy day....yet kinda' nice

     Jackie had PT today in Byron.  After that, we went to a doctor's appointment for her knee.  She got a cortisone shot, which gave her almost immediate relief from the pain she has in the knee.
     I bought paint for a wall project outside, and got directions on how to prepare the surface.  Easy, schmeasy.....wash it with a garden hose, let it dry over night, slap the product on.
     That should take me a week, if not more.
     It will take me three hours to find a roller and brush.  Then another hour to find the paint, which I put somewhere when getting out of the car.  Throw in an hour to locate a paint can opener or a screwdriver and you pretty much have the day shot.
     Then it will rain, getting the wall wet and forcing me to wait a couple of days for it to dry out.  By then I will have lost the supplies and will need to spend half a day looking for them, which will inspire me to organize the garage, which will take three days and accomplish nothing.
     By October I should have the wall painted, but that is only an estimate.
     Realize I still have not put up my bike storage unit.  Or my garden tools storage racks.  But hey, that has only been almost three years.  What's the hurry?
     The best part of the day was supper.
     The kids gave us some gift cards for a schmany, fancy restaurant in DeKalb.  (Ok,  I sense a trend of rhyming real words with made up works.  Kind of hokey, schmokey, don't you agree?)
     I had the best New York strip I have had.  It was juicy, flavorful, and tender as all get out.    Seriously, it was one good steak.
     Being as I am trying to reform, I only ate half and took the rest home for tomorrow night.  I could have eaten the whole thing, believe it.  But I exercised restraint.  Meanwhile, I will dream all night about having that steak and probably eat my pillow by accident.
     I did have apple pie and ice cream when I got home though......a guy can only sacrifice so much.
     So, thank you kids for the gift certificate.  We have eaten there twice and still have a little left, plus we got a coupon for a free appetizer on our next visit.
     I already know what I am going to order......lamb chops!
     Because I have been to the mountain top and I don't think I'll ever get that view again.

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