Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Life's stinks

Sometmes my sense of smell goes bonkers

     But not always.
     The other night I was driving back from weeding the garden at church in DeKalb.  It was a fairly cool night, so I had the car windows open.
     As I drove down Lincoln Highway in DeKalb, I could smell all the foods being cooked in the restaurants.  I must have been hungry!  I could smell the beef.......there must have been 1,000 hanburgers cooking!  I started to drool.
     And going down 38, I could smell the corn.  Seriously, I could smell the stalks of corn.
    That is until I hit a field near Kish.  It must have been pig manure, but the field certainly made my eyes water.
     I also smelled smoke in various places.  I did not see smoke.  I at first thought maybe there was a huge forest fire out west, but there is not so it must have been local.
     And diesel fumes from passing trucks.  And exhaust from cars.
     Then I hit Creston and smelled the landfill.....that is fairly pungent!  I often wonder if the people near the landfill ever open windows in their houses, or hang out clothes.
     Then it was back to the diesel smells.....the area near Petro always smells like a truck just passed.  Mainly because a couple hundred did.
     My favoriet smells are pines, lilacs and lavender.  OK, throw in the scent of beef getting grilled over a grill.  And chocolate chip cookes  baking.
     Now I'm hungry.  Again.
     Maybe sleep will put a rest to the cravings.

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