Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I am starving

We are getting blood tests tomorrow

     That means no food for 12 hours before the test.
     We don't get up early, but I am hopeful that by 8 we can be at the hospital, having needles stuck in our arms and having the blood sucked out as if a giant mosquito was having it's way with us, but without the itch.  Then we can go have breakfast.
     I have been thinking of food since 8......which will be 12 hours.
     I have not had my late night snack, or the couple of bits of chocolate, or the piece of fruit.  Golly, I do eat a lot at night!
     All I can think about is an omelette with hash browns, or a a huge cinnamon roll, or a half pound of bacon, cooked to perfection......
     Morning can't come fast enough.
     I rode my bike today, then took Corki for a walk.  When we walk, I take off her fence collar so she can get out of the yard without being zapped.
     At 9 I let her out and went to finish the dishes.
     At about 9:40, I heard a dog barking out front and it sounded like Corki. Why did it sound like Corki?  Because it was!!
     Not only did I forget I let her out, I didn't put her fence collar on either.  She stayed in the yard...luckily.
     Food deprivation does that to me....clouds my thinking...makes me irrational.....maybe he would be a good president.....maybe indiscriminate use of nuclear weapons is a good idea......makes me sometimes think insane thoughts.
     Dreams will be of a food nature tonight!

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