Tuesday, August 30, 2016

when will I learn

I can't just clean up something

     It's not in my DNA.
     I can't focus.  I can't finish a task.  I can't stick to it.
     When I attacked the pile of stuff on the floor in our computer room, I fully intended to take care of it.
     But I got distracted.
     First by coffee.  Then supper.   Then dishes.  Then the Cubs.
     And the drawers.
     Yes, the drawers, as in desk drawers.
     I opened one, thought it looked pretty full of stuff and empited it.
     I did that to four drawers.
     And I stacked stuff.  In piles.  On the floor.
     I may have a bigger mess than what I started with.
     But I have thrown away a lot of paper.  Problem is, I can't find the paper I was looking for in the first place.  It has to be here somewhere.
     I have fears I put it in a file folder....and yes, I did go through 20 file folders.  Found some old pictures from school, ideas for stories I am going to write someday, notes on my missing and presumably destroyed dark comedy....  but not the paper I want.
     I have one more drawer to go through, but not tonight.
     I need to clean up this mess before I create another.

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