Sunday, July 31, 2016

that's a colorful coat!

I saw a great show today

     Jackie, Emily, MK and I went to see Joseph, the VCCT show.
     It was pretty darn good!
     Not only was Emily's husband John in it, so was daughter Camryn.
     And two former fifth graders were the narrator and Joseph.  Ben and Hannah did super jobs today.  I was super impressed by both of them.
     The crowd loved it too.
     Sitting in the crowd, I almost wished I was on stage too.  I had a chance, but timing is everything in life and the timing was not right.
     But hey, I have had my time on stage and always enjoyed it.  All good things have to come to an end, and I think my time on stage might be over.  Not a  lot of parts for older guys.....
     Just rockers on the front porch, flannel slippers and long underwear in the summer.

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