Saturday, March 9, 2024

oh oh

 I am turning into one of "them"

    You know the type.

    Driving 30 in a 60 zone.

    Looking for change at the check out counter.

    Writing a check at the check out counter, after standing in line for 3 minutes with your checkbook put away only to finally dig it out and start writing while the line grows behind you, and people start growling and throwing candy bars at the back of your head.

    Wandering around a parking lot looking for your car.  In the rain.  A heavy rain.  With a strong wind blowing in your face and you only in a thin sweatshirt because you did not believe it when  the forecast said rain at 4 p.m. and you went out at 3:59.

    Complaining about changing the clocks at 2 a.m. twice a year.

    You know, one of :then."

     I had 2 errands to run in DeKalb yesterday.  I needed  a new toilet seat and could not buy it locally.  I checked.

    Jackie wanted me to see if  a store had a flower patterned rugs to replace the one in our bathroom.  Incidentally, throw rugs are the largest cause of falls in homes for elderly people.  Keep that in mind.

    Since Julia was gone, I went to Portillo's for supper.

    Jackie gets a Chicago style hot dog 99 % of the time.  I, on the other hand, get bored with food.

    I decided to get a fish sandwich.  I like fish sandwiches.  I don't have to eat them, but I like them. 

     (When Jackie and I were dating there was a Burger King special on fish sandwiches during lent.  For 59 cents I could get a sandwich.  Throw in a pop and fries an I could eat for under $2. Since I lived off campus, that was great and I ate a fish sandwich at least 4 times a week.  All during  Lent.)

    Last year  Portillo's  had a really great walleye sandwich.  But I did not see any fish sandwich on the menu board.

    I was the only person in line.  I asked the sweet young thing (SWT)  what kind of fish they had and she said she did not know..  A co worker said it was a deep fried cod.  I asked the SWT  if she had tried it and did she like it?.  She said she did not eat fish, but it looked good. 

    I hemmed and hawed and finally said I would like the fish.  Then I stared at the board and thought about a dessert, or shake, or side, but finally said that was all.

    When I turned around there were at least 6 people behind me!

    I KNOW what they were thinking.

    Just order!  Stop asking questions!  Order the damn fish and move on.!

    So I did.

    And when I got my order, I actually checked to be sure it was all there before I left the store.  I have learned that lesson.

    I think it is Progressive Insurance commercials that show a guy teaching people how not to be like their parents.  It may be too late for me.....I should have had that lesson before complaining that the shopping cart did not roll straight.

Peace and Love

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