Friday, March 22, 2024

Travel time?

 I received a National Geographic travel catalog in the mail

    As  kid, and as an adult, I loved National Geographic.

    Yes, the bare chested native people always interested the 14 year old me, but the amazing photographs and articles amazed the adult me too.  Well, the bare chested native people  did too.

    But, and there's the big butt, I could not keep up with reading them.  I would read one article, and the next magazine would come.  That kept up until I had a year's supply of NG and  besides looking for bare chested natives, the magazines were hardly  opened.

    So I dropped my subscription.  I do regret it, but I also had trouble reading it because the print size was getting smaller.

    But this week I got the Expeditions travel guide.

    And now I have the travel itch.

    I would like to take the Italian Lake District Swiss trains tour, which is only $9,695.  Per person.  

    Yes, that is steep, but so are the mountains in Switzerland.

    Jackie and I actually did part of. this trip one time, but at a lot less expense.  The scenery was beautiful.

    There is a safari in Tanzania for $10.495 and one in Kenya for $10,695.  Of course, I would have to have airfare too......but it would be worth it to see elephants in their natural habitat.

    Antartica and Patagonia can been had for a mere $22,711.  Quite a bargain for the 18 day voyage, most of which will feature endless views of water and ice. But a trip to Antartica alone is $18,000, and I think you get to beat a baby harp seal to death on one of the stops.  Just kidding.

    For an extra $10,000 you can visit the Falkland Islands and South Georgia.  Yes, $28,020 gets you a ticket to the islands Britain and Argentina fought over and to South Georgia, which his where the Atlanta Braves and Falcons play.  I think.

    If that area of the world is of interest, you can cruise the wild coasts of Argentina, South Georgia and the Falklands for only $44,298.  I don't think there are any real cities, so when you stop the visit will be short.  And cold.  

    But my favorite trip, one Jackie said she would let me take, is seeing the wildlife of the world by private jet.  India, Madagascar, the Maldives, South Africa.....I can see it all for a mere $119,995!

    One thing I notice is. the trips are all expensive, but most of them don't cost an even number!   For example, the wildlife of the world trip is $119,995.  If you can afford that, does the 95 make it any more attractive to you? 

    Me:  Can I take a trip that costs $119,995?

    Her:  Oh sure.  At least it is not $120,000.  That would be too much money.

    Me.  Lucky for me.

    Just round it off.  

    Speaking of rounding it off......enough of this crappy weather.  Four years ago my FB memory included a video of it snowing, much like it did today.  Of course, another memory was about masking to avoid the Covid virus.  Remember when we were told it was nothing more than a flu?

    But I digress.

    Right now I have to go pack.  I think I am off to Malta tomorrow.  Or maybe Genoa.  Exotic travel awaits.


Peace and Love

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