Thursday, March 7, 2024

state of the union

 I listened to the state of the union address tonight

    No, this is not a political rant.  Almost all of you know how I feel and who I support, so there is no need to further explain that part of my life.

    It just strikes me as strange that a man in my age group is running for president.  Actually, 2 of them.  

    Now I have nothing against old people,  because I am an old person.  And so  are several of you.

    I am just confused about how I got old.

    Just yesterday my kids were going off to college.  I was able to ride my bike more than 3 miles before tiring.

    Staying up late did not involve bathroom runs or worrying about the little pain in my chest/let/head/arm.

    I was able to read books with normal sized print. 

    I remembered to use turn signals and that a speed limit of 55 meant I should be going 62.

    I never used to complain about the grocery cart not going in a straight line.  

    There was a time in my life when I could use the phone without having to find it.  It was always on the wall, not still in the car or buried in my coat pocket on mute.

    I used to have a hop and skip in my step, now it's a slow shuffle with loose fitting slippers that could cause me to fall and break a hip at any moment, which is another reason I worry at night.

    I once actually was able to read the Tribune without logging in.  But then, I also used the paper to wrap presents, train the dog, line the bird cage and even for toilet paper when times were rough.  Well, actually never toilet paper, but my mother always lined the bird cage with the Tribune.

    Somebody told me the other day that the 70s were now the new 60s.  That is bullshit.  70 is 70.  Sure,  my mind might be fairly sharp but physically I am not in the shape  I was when I was 60.  Not that I was in great shape then, but I could go up the stairs without breathing hard or having my legs and hips hurt.

    I am old enough to remember when the president, no matter who he was, was granted respect during the state of the union. 

    Honestly, I am not comfortable having someone older than me be president.  I know I forget things.   I don't understand stuff as well as I used to.  Technology puzzles me sometimes.  And I am younger than the 2 older guys running.

    I sometimes wish there was a way to reverse aging, but I know that would be catastrophic for the world and the environment.

    But I also know I hate getting old although it does  beat the alternative.

Peace and Love

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