Wednesday, March 13, 2024

fridge fair

 Talk about unusual meals

    We seem to have acquired some leftovers over the past 3 days.

    So tonight it was time to finish them.

    That made for some interesting meals.  

    I had some potato soup, half a ham and cheese sandwich, some cole slaw and a chicken finger.  Now, looking at the line up I can sense some questions about the gastronomical choices, and truthfully, I am having one of those myself right now.

    Julia had chicken and something.

    Jackie had a ham and Swiss on marble rye, with some cole slaw, chips and broccoli salad.

    At least the fridge looks a little better.

    Back when I was in college and living off campus, I would buy a pound of ground beef and a couple of boxes of Rice a Roni.  I would grill t the meat and mix the R and R and put it all together.  It was not unusual for me to have that 2 or 3 times a day until it was gone.

    I actually grew to like it.  But one. time after we had been married I made it and it just did not seem that good.  Maybe I should try it again.

    When I was a teenager, I did not always display good, ethical behavior when it came to food.

    I once worked in a food store deli.  One of my jobs was to close at night, making sure the chicken rotisserie was clean and ready to go the next day.

    That usually took me 15-20 minutes.

    At some point I discovered that if I put the last chicken (singular) on 40 minutes before then, I would have a left over chicken at closing time.

    Since we could not carry them over, I would price them to sell......usually 50 cents, and sometimes 25 cents.  

    And I would buy it.  I loved the chicken.  Still do.

    I realized later in life that I was wrong.  But I t think the statute of limitations has expired on my petty embezzlement career.

    I have my own roaster now, so I can make a chicken. whenever I want.  

    I just never seem to buy the bird.

Peace and Love

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