Tuesday, March 12, 2024

not again

 The mystery returns

    After 2 weeks of printing whatever I want, I can't print again.  I keep getting the message" printer not found".  Well, it hasn't moved since I printed last Friday!  Not found my foot.

    I don't get it.

    My next complaint.

    Dog Beth.

    Yes, I have been complaining about her a lot.

    Last night I took her out at about 9 and she stayed out for 15 minutes, spending 14 of those minutes staring at a bush.  She is convinced there is a rabbit or ground squirrel in the bush, or under the bush, or somewhere.  But we never see one.

    I brought her in and right before bed, about 11, I took her out again.  She sniffed around but did not go to the bathroom.  I did put her on a long leash, because sometimes she sits at the far end of the bushes and I won't walk in the grass at night.  Need I explain why?

    She came in and went to bed.  I went to bed.  

    I had a hard time getting to sleep. Maybe it was the 2 p.m. coffee, the 1 p.m. nap, the change in. time, or my perpetual worrying, but I could not sleep.

    About 1:30 Beth left her crate and went to the front door.  That is what she does when she wants to go out.

    I was not playing this game again.

    I  checked on her, then went back to bed.  I figured if she had to go, she would bark.

    At 4 a.m. she was still at the front door.  I know, because I got up to check. I did not want her in a spot where Julia could trip over her.

   Her tail started wagging and she stretched, which she always does before going out.  So I took her out.

    The little snot went to the end of the sidewalk, looked around, came back in and went right to her crate!

    I am convinced the whole operation was to tell me she was in charge! She won.  This time.

    Tonight I think I will latch her crate.  That way I will get a better sleep.

    I do think she is a smart dog and is starting to realize she can wrap me around her little paw.  

    Yes, she is training me.  Should be the other way around.

Peace and Love

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