Wednesday, March 20, 2024


 I had a hearing aid check up today

    As part of the check up, I had my ears cleaned.

    Now, I am a fairly clean person.  I take showers regularly and wash my hands frequently.

    As I sat in the chair talking to Kyle, he was probing my ear with a strange looking tool.

    He said my ears were pretty clean and he showed me this huge glob of goo that he pulled out of my left ear!   Eeewee, it was gross!

    Then he said my ears were pretty clean, compared to other people.

    OMG, I wonder what he pulls out of their ears!

    My right ear was not as bad,, but he still got a wad of whatever out with his little. tool.

    He said that people with hearing aids should get their ears cleaned regularly because the devices can cause a buildup of wax.

    Well, I have had mine for 6 years and this was the first cleaning, so I don't feel so bad.

    My next stop was the doc.  She checked my hearing aids, we talked about some minor issues, and then she asked if I had any updates on my phone, which could explain why  my hearing aids cut out once in a while when I am listening to music.

    She offered to check for updates.  Had one.  

    She offered to perform the update, which should only take a few minutes.

    I don't know how long we spent talking, but it was more than a few minutes.

    Finally I told her I could finish this at home so she could get to her other patients instead of watching my phone.

    Instead, she called one of the technicians to finish the update, which was great because she did it all in about 40 seconds while it would have taken me an hour.  

    I clean Beth's ears twice a month.  I pour a solution into each ear, then gently rub the base of the ear and then use a paper towel to wipe it out.

    I envisioned that being done to my ears, then a mini vac to suck out the gunk. I was happy to be wrong.

    Of course, I stopped at Ollie's for a. red velvet cone....which was very tasty, indeed!

    Tomorrow it is back to the dentist and the chiropractor.  

    If it wasn't for doctors, I would not have any social life.

Peace and Love

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