Sunday, March 10, 2024


 I don't like the time change

    My body goes to bed about 11:30, which is now 12:30, which means I can't get to sleep.

    My body gets up at 9, which is now 10, which means I need a nap that I did not get today.

    My body also likes the extra hour of sun at the end of the day.  And when we change, it also likes the light time in the morning when kids are on their way to school.

    Maybe we should take that hour and split it in half and never change again!  How confusing could that be?

    Jackie and I went to church today but not for a regular worship service.  One of our church members died and today was the memorial service.

    We sat and visited with a lot of people who have not seen for a while.  It seems we make it to church Christmas Eve and maybe Easter.  We have supply priests and instead of doing 2 services on a Sunday, we only do one at 9:30.

    For most people that is not an issue, but for us it is. It takes a while to get Jackie up and ready for the day.  We figure if we want to make a 9:30 service, we'd have to get up at 6:30.  If you know us, you know that will never happen.

    We had our friend Sam coming over tonight to show me her critique sheets from her first ever speech meet.  That brought back memories.

    I enjoyed doing speech with the kids.  I always told them they were doing something most parents would bet afraid to do....getting up in front of strangers and performing.  

    Sam did verse and duet acting and she went through her. verse and duet parts for all of us.  I think she did pretty darn good.

    I realized how out of practice I was when I made notes on her performances and could not figure out what I wrote or why I wrote it.  

    My friend Human Beth and I had talked at one point in our lives of taking a summer and writing scripts for novice speech kids.  We would do about 15 of them, and put them in a book form, getting rich off the profits.  Well, we never did it.  Someday.

    And here's another small world item.  A sister of a former Rochelle friend died.  She has a daughter living in Lititz PA.  What makes it a small world is our nephew and his family also live in Lititz   If you have never heard of the town, you now have.  Twice.

    I have also been accused of intentionally mispronouncing the name of the town.

    By the way, it is about the same size as Rochelle.  

    By the way,  #2 , I am relaxing with a short stubby glass of please excuse any incomplete thoughts.

Peace and Love 


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