Sunday, March 3, 2024

memories and maybes

 I love looking at my memories on Facebook

    In 2 of the memories for this date, snow was on the way!  One forecast was 6-9 inches.  I don't remember how much we got .

    Another memory was about the ice storm we had and weather school was open or not.  (Notice the clever way I used weather instead of wether.......pretty punny, eh?). School was on, just starting later.

    Another memory for this date was a severe storm system approaching, with Jackie and me practicing hiding during a tornado.

    Some memories are just plain bittersweet.  I did a post in 2013 and my cousin Sally from Alaska commented on it.  Sally and husband Warren. visited us in 2014, shortly after she was diagnosed with brain cancer.  She was here in May, and we had snow the week before they got here.  She died in September.  A lifelong Cubs fan, she never got the chance to watch a World Series win.  I still miss her.

    Wow....that got serious fast, didn't it?

    You may remember me complaining that my printer could not connect to the computer.  Julia tried connecting.  Emily tried connecting. Nothing.

    Julia ordered a cord to connect printer to computer.  Should solve the problem.

    Cord comes.  Julia goes to hook it up.  Before she does she hits print, and the printer works.  Wireless.  Works fine.

    Go figure.

    We had a surprise today.  My niece stopped on her way back from Peoria.  Her daughter (my grand niece?  second  cousin?  I don't know!) is working there and we are about half way from there to her home up by McHenry.

    It was a nice visit.  I cooked brats on the grill, did not burn them, and we got all caught up on her family.

    We also facer timed Jackie's brother and sister in law in Florida, Bob and Anita, and had a nice video visit with them.

    I even got a dog walk in with Beth! Beautiful weather, except for the gale force winds.

    I am going to check the forecast for this week to see if it calls for snow, ice, tornadoes, torrential rains or locust invasions.

Peace and Love

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