Thursday, March 21, 2024


 I survived the dentist

    I had chipped a tooth and the other day he smoothed it, But he said I needed a filling to replace the one I chipped.

    So today I had the filling done.

    I did not flinch.  It did not hurt.  I was fine.

    BUT, and there is always a big butt, I goofed

    Today was a BOGO  Thursday at Starbucks.  I went to order a lavender chai tea along with a vanilla latte.  I wanted mediums, because of the caffeine levels.

    But they did not have the lavender, so I ordered 2 half caff vanilla lattes.

    I should have ordered 2 small ones, but I did not.

     Now I am wondering if I will sleep at all tonight, and if those huge bugs currently crawling across the ceiling are real.

    Jackie lost a pearl earring the other day.

    I looked everywhere for it but did not find it.

    When the cleaning person came today, I told her about it.

    Well, she found the earring and the back!!

    The back was on the shower floor and the pearl part was in the shower drain, hung up on a lip.

    I took the drain cover off and pulled the earring out of the yuck.  We had given Beth a bath a couple of weeks ago, and the drain was full of black hair.  It was another  eeewwwww moment.

    But the earring and back are found and waiting to be sterilized before she put s them back into her ear.

    Finally, before Jackie's board meeting, I went to the open house at the Lincoln Performing Arts Center home of VCCT.

    The guys have done a great job on creating a theater out of old classroom and gym space.

    Of course I have regrets.  I am not as active in the groups as I used to be and I miss hanging out with the people and planning theater events.

    Second of course;  I had a name issue.  

    One person who was there, let's call him Sam, said,"Hi, Terry". I immediately said hello back, then. asked what his name was.

    He said Sam. Now the thing is every time I see him I ask what his name is!  Every time!!! No matter where I see him, I ask him his name.  And every time it is Sam.

    I gotta figure that out sometime.

    Now, I have to go do about 106 projects before the caffeine wears off.

    Luckily, there are no bugs on the ceiling, but I seem to be typing extra fast tonight.

Peace and Love


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