Saturday, March 30, 2024

huh, I say, huh

This was a weird day in a couple of ways 

    I went to the library to return my DVD.  I parked in the parking area just east of the library, along the alley, across from the police department garage.

    There have been issues at times when police vehicles park in the library spaces.  That issue has for the most part been resolved and the police have been very good about not parking where library patrons can park.

    But today I noticed a state police squad taking up 3 spaces at the end of the parking lane.  I thought that was a bit out of ordinary, but I figured there were only 2 cars and there were still a couple of open spaces.

    I got out of my car and started in to the library.  I heard some yelling, but did not pay attention to what was being said.

    2 minutes later when I came out, there was a fire department vehicle there.  Then a Rochelle squad rolled up.  Then another.  And another.  And a siren was wailing in the distance, which turned out to be an ambulance.

    Meanwhile, everyone is looking in the back seat of the state police vehicle.  They would reach in, then pull back.

    I had not choice but to watch because I was blocked in behind squad cars.

    Another library patron came out with her daughter and we chatted a bit.  One of the squads moved, and I told her she could probably back out, turn into the funeral home parking lot, and get out that way.

    She said she wouldn't want to get a ticket and I told her I thought they were to busy to notice.

    So, she was able to leave and about a minute later I was able to leave, also going thru the funeral home parking lot.

    My curious mind wanted to ask what was going on.  But I realized it was none of my business and that I was not a member of the press anymore.

    I picked up a coffee at Cypress House and went home to remake the cookies that had been burned.

    Now, over the course of the past week I have been asked multiple times if we had flour.  Every time I have looked in the pantry, seen the Gold Medal bag, and replied no.

    Today I got the flour out and it was bread making flour!  It's not good for cookies!!

    So I got back in the car, drove to town, got flour, and headed back home.

    When I opened the bag, I saw a warning. that said we were not to eat uncooked flour because it could make us sick.  I had never seen that on a bag of flour.  Julia said there was probably a Tic Tok challenge where people eat flour and got sick.  I don't doubt it because there are idiots everywhere.

    We made the cookies, started the deviled eggs, made the pistachio salad and now I can look forward to folding sheets and towels because I forgot they were done.

    It's now almost 9:30, the Cubs have lost and luckily I did not watch the game.  I have some dishes to do, and I am tired.

    Plus I have one more load of laundry.

    My work never seems to be done.

Happy Easter!!

Peace and Love

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