Saturday, March 23, 2024


 I caught a ground squirrel today

    Then I uncaught him.  Or her.  Methinks it is a her because it looks as though she might be "with family,"  if you know what I mean.

    Incidentally, I no longer say "Congratulations" to women I see who appear to be expecting.  I did that once and the person looked at me and said, "Thanks.  I am not pregnant.  I just have not lost the weight from my current baby."


    I must not have set the trap correctly, because it was sprung but empty.  

    Thinking ground squirrels are not the brightest creatures in the world, I reset it in the exact same spot.   Now who is looking like a burned out lightbulb, eh?

    Damn things.  Lightbulbs.

    I just bought a $14 3 way LED bulb for the den.  It is supposed to last 198 years or something like that. At age 75, 5 years would be a great guarantee.

    This is  the third 3 way I have put into this lamp.  (And no, I have never been involved in a 3 way although I have stopped at 4 way stops. )  They seem to burn out within months.  This one better last.

    Speaking of better, let's focus on butter.

    I bought some Egos.  And yes, I do call them Legos because I am old and get confused easily.

    I have some maple syrup from Wisconsin and I love it on pancakes and Eggos.

    I ate brunch and headed to the kitchen to put my plate in the dishwasher and hit the end of my wallet, which was on the counter.

    It immediately flipped onto the plate and landed in the syrup I did not lick off the plate.  

    That was the latest drop in long line of drops today.

    In fact, I felt like a Bears receiver at some point I had dropped so many things.  

    Mugs, pencils, papers, almost everything except my weight.

    Ended the day on a good note.  Renee and Wendy came over and we sat around eating pizza, (thank you R and W!) laughing, telling about adventures to come and all sorts of fun things.

    It was a great evening.

Peace and Love

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