Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Hello, Ciao, Bon Jour

 Just some weird things to share tonight

    During the life of this blog, which now seems endless, there have been over 300,000 page views.

    I know, that is over 65 years, but still, 300,000 is a lot.  I don't have that many pennies in my pocket,  teeth in thy mouth, or calories consumed in a day.  Well, I am not sure about the calories lately.

    The most common browser used is Chrome.  According to the stats page, the most common device is an I phone.  I would not have guessed that.

    I am always amazed by where people are from who click on the page.

    Of course, the most page views come from the gold Old US, long may it be free and independent.  What surprised me is the second most views are from people in France.  I would have thought Switzerland, because I know more people there and Julia lived there for 20 years, but the Swiss are third.

    And Vlady must like what I don't write about him because Russia comes up with the fourth most, Portugal is fifth, and Germany sixth.

    That is over the life of the blog.

    I don't know anyone in Portugal but strangely there is a young girl, maybe 11 or 12 years old, named Julia Dickow who lives in Portugal and has a Facebook page!  I once thought of contacting her, but then realized how darn creepy that would be.

    And Germany kind of makes sense because there are Dickows in Germany.

    I would guess people sometimes just Google search the Dickow name and stumble upon my blog.

    Other countries with views are the Netherlands, Finland, Slovakia, Sweden, Czechia,  Ireland, Brazil, Ukraine, Bulgaria, the UK, South Korea, and Canada. Then there are others with too small an audience to individually list in the stats section.

    I am an author with an international audience.  

    I sometimes wish people in other parts of the world would leave a message, or a thumbs up, and tell me their location.  I always loved those "Flat Alberts" or whatever they were that teachers sent out.  My blog could be a "Flat Albert" of sorts.

    If I could communicate with those people I would say two words:  Peace.  Love.

    The world needs more of it.  Especially now.

Peace and Love

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