Saturday, March 2, 2024

busy beavers

 We have had a busy 3 days

    Play Thursday night for me, friends over last night, and today a matinee performance with our little friend Sam.

    She was in Beauty and the Beast in Rockford.  I have never seen the Disney movie and really had no concept of the show except the beauty falls in love with the beast.

    I know!!  75 and never have seen a production, movie, cartoon, or storybook of Beauty and the Beast!  My parents and the American education system failed me!!!  I oughta sue.

    Anyway, I told Jackie we were going to Rock Valley College to see the play.  She double checked the time and discovered it was at Rockford University.  I would have gone to the wrong place and we probably ly would have missed the show!

    We parked in a faculty lot, and I put the wheelchair  out for Jackie to move to......but I forgot to set the brake and the chair took off, downhill, into a bush.  It did not go far, but the bush prevented it from going down a hill.

    We sat in the top row, because the theater is sloped and the only handicap seats are at the back and bottom.  

    I could pick out Sam until I could not pick out Sam.  I had planned to bring my field glasses, but I forgot them.  They would have helped a lot.

    And there were 170 kids in the show.  I can't imagine directing something that big.  The theater was full, must have been 500 or more people.  They did a show last night, 2 today, one tomorrow and then shows next weekend with different people in supporting roles.

    Here's a digression.

    I was talking to a friend, we'll call him. Ted.  He is not from the United States but from an African nation.

    We got on the subject of names and he said, "Do you know why they call me Ted?"  I guessed a family name but I was wrong.  

    "All the boys born on Saturday in my country are named Ted.  Girls born on a Saturday are named Sally."

    So in a classroom there could be 6 or 7 Teds and a number of Sallys.  

    I asked how they call on one specific Ted.  He said A Ted born in May would be called Ted May, in July Ted July.  Same with the girls.  Two Ted Mays would have a third descriptor added.  Reminded me of George Foreman and his sons, all called George.

    I admit, that system would make it easier for me, because I would only have to remember 7 boy's names and 7 girl's names.

    But I did not ask if the same names were used year after year or if they had new names for a new year.

    Next time I see them I will try to remember to ask.

    I just thought that was interesting.

Peace and Love

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