Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Today just seem like a gigantic whirl 

    Jackie had a doctor appointment in Sycamore.

    We stopped at a pharmacy to pick up some supplies, but no one was at the counter.  A lady sitting in a chair went "psssst" and I turned toward her.

    "They are in the back. It will be a few minutes."

    I said thank you, and had a. strange vague feeling of familiarity.

    Minutes later it all came together when I recognized her partner and realized the person who went "psst" is someone I have known since my newspaper days!  I just did not recognize them because of their hair color or the fact they were not in a place I would expect to see them.

    Anyway.  Went to the doctor, stopped at a grocery store, visited Portillo's to pick up Jackie's free piece of chocolate cake for her birthday, stopped at 2 libraries and finally made it home.

    Julia, Emily and t long time friends Mary Kay and Steve came over for a birthday dinner and some bundt cake desserts.

    Around 7 Kevin, Jen and Sam came over so Sam could sing happy birthday to Jackie, playing her guitar and doing the song in English and then Spanish.

    For a day that didn't have anything big planned, it was a pretty busy time.  I didn't even get in a nap!

    I just have one load of laundry to put in tonight and my day will be complete.

    Hopefully sleep will come easy tonight.

    And tomorrow I will give you answers about books written or not.

Peace and Love

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