Tuesday, March 19, 2024

faux votes

I don't always understand the news

    For example:  Today there was a primary election in Illinois.  So the Rockford station we were watching used the bottom part of the screen to show results.

    At 8 p.m.  they were showing results like:  Lee County  trump 0 %; Haley, 0%; Christie 0%; DeSantis o%....and Biden had 0f%.

    If you don't have results, why show the graphics?  They did the same for 3 other counties, listing all the races and everybody had 0%.

    Pretty stupid, if you ask me,

    Got up early to make a 10:15 dental appointment.  He smoothed down my chipped tooth so it no longer irritates my tongue but he said I need a little more work, so I go back Thursday for a filling.  I am already sweating.

    Jackie and I went to Rockford for some errands today.  I stopped at a plant place where I buy bird seed and told them I wanted to use my 2 gift cards to cover a couple of purchases.  

    Funny....I don't have 2 gift cards.  

    The deal is when you buy $300 worth of bird seed, you get a $25 card.  I thought I had earned 2, so I was surprised when she said I didn't have any.

    The nice lady went into the back and came back with my used gift card, signed by me, and showed it to me.

    I don't remember using it.  How is that possible?

    And I have not yet earned the second card.... but I am close.

    I am going to use pictures to finish my thoughts.

Peace and Love

Sometimes Julia works with the door closed and Beth just waits

trees are blooming

Jackie's magnolia is blooming too....but for how long?

The winds have been strong.

We put up the egg tree today

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