Friday, March 1, 2024

Flying high

 I went to see the musical Billy Elliot last night

    Emily took me to this production at the Paramount theater in Aurora.

    It's a great place to see a show.  Nice acoustics, good sight  lines, comfortable seats with cup holders....nicely done.

    I had seen Billy Elliot years ago.  I don't remember much of it, just the gist.  The Paramount show was pretty darn good.

    I thought there were a couple of lapses.  2 characters were not in place when the lights went on in one scene, and young Billy seemed to stare off in space for no reason a couple of times.  But,  on the whole it was a dang good show.

    The 2 main youngsters were the performers playing Billy and Michael.  They were in the 11-12 year old range, but have vast stage experience all over the country.

    They were great!  The person playing Michael had some very funny bits and the person playing Billy was a fantastic dancer.  Hard to believe they were that young.

    At one point, Michael shows Billy a Barbie doll and Billy grabs it.  The head came off!  The youngsters ad libbed a couple of lines, but it was obvious they were surprised.  Eventually they began giggling, which is contagious on stage.  But they pulled it together.

    The show started at 7 and ended a little over 10....maybe close to 10:30.  Made or a long night.

    We ran into a couple of other Rochellians, well, former Rochellians, and had a nice chat with them.

    Tonight Bart and Laurie came over and brought Chinese food.  It was nice to sit and visit and catch up with each other.  Sometimes life get away from us a little, but we caught up tonight.

Peace and Love

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