Monday, March 25, 2024

wanna be

I wanna be an author

    I have some great ideas for books.  In fact, my ideas are the greatest that have ever been ideas in the entire universe!

    For example:

    Printers....Who Needs Them?   This epic volume will tell the interested reader the fascinating history of printers.  From The ancient Egyptians to the modern day computer printer, printers have been a heavily relied on source.  The book details how in the olden days a printer not functioning correctly  was often fed to Nile crocodiles while in modern times printers that don't work are often sworn at and thrown through a still closed window.

    The Fickle Side of Mother Nature.  Explore the side of Mother Nature we don't usually see.  Examine how weather can go from really cold to really mild in one day, with rain or snow or sleet going along with the weather.  See the difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny.  Explore the world of mostly sunny and mostly cloudy.  

    Laws.  Who Needs Them?  This work would explore the dozens of laws we have on the books that we don't need.  For example:  Headlights should be on when wipers are working.  Who needs that?  Sure, it may improve visibility to other motorists so they can see you as they attempt to pass on a badly crumbling state road.  But hey!  Turn signals required?  What a bunch of baloney!  We don't need turn signals.  We can just assume the person stopping in front of you has a reason.  Maybe they dropped their cell phone, or hamburger, or just got tired of going forward.  It's a useless law.  Same with speed limits, stop signs and mandatory auto insurance laws.  What good do they serve?  This book will explore all aspects of the issue.

    Wonderful World of Autocorrect.  Learn how autocorrect maid it easier for people to right books without having too worry about spelling mistakes.  The book will cover thy history of autocorrect and it's future.

    World.  I am currently doing research on 5 letter words.  I plan to publish this work in 2028 and list every 5 letter word in the English language alphabetically.

    Dreamland. I have kept a journal of dreams.  When it is published, you can actually see the warped inners of my mind.  You will be astounded at the weirdness of my nights.

    Travels with Terry.   Certainly not to be confused with Travels with Charley, Travels with Terry will put the spotlight on how not to visit foreign places .  From advice on how to be pick pocketed to running afoul of proper bicycle behavior, this book will surely make you laugh.  And wonder about me.

    First Love    Everybody remember their first love.  Join me on this lovely romp in romance as I experience love and heartbreak at the same time. 

    Accidental Serial Killer    What happens to a mild mannered school teacher when he accidentally kills someone?  The bodies pile up in this semi funny mystery.  

    OK.....all seriousness any of these sound like something I would write?  I am curious about what you think.

Peace and Love

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