Tuesday, March 26, 2024

windy, windy, windy

 I just want to emphasize it is windy out there

    And cold.

    And damp.

    And muddy.

    And wormy.

    Today was recycling day.  I did not take out my containers because I knew they would be all over the neighborhood and I did not want to be that person.

    When I went out to get my trash can, which was halfway in the road, causing drivers to have to do  slalom like maneuvers to get past, I noticed the recycling truck coming down Skare Road.

    So I quickly grabbed the wagon with my 2 recycling bins.

    Yes, 2 bins.  One for paper, one for plastic, glass and cans.  I know I don't have to separate them, but it gives me more capacity if I do.

    Did I mention it was windy?

    I was rolling down the driveway when the can with plastic and glass fell off the cart and spilled all over the driveway.

    And with the wind, all over the road.

    And all over the neighbor's yard across the street.

    I started to pick up when the wind attacked the second can.  I saw papers rising out of the can like haunted spirits on Christmas Eve.

    I grabbed the papers and shoved them into the can as the garbage truck approached.

    Plastic was flying.  Glass was broken.  I was frazzled.

    It was windy.

    Good neighbor Trent was in front and started helping me pick up the debris in his yard and on the street and in my driveway and still blowing everywhere.

    The guy driving the truck helped pick up.

    I had a handful and turned to go to the bin when my foot caught on something and I went face down in the mud.  And worms.  And wet.

    I can hear the young guys thinking, "Shit!  Old man down!  Old man down!"  

    I was ok, even though the driver called me sir, and finished picking up.

    I even got up by myself.

    After seeping up the broken glass, thanking Trent for his help, and putting all the now empty containers away, I went in the house.

    Jackie looked at my wet pants and asked if I fell. 

    I did not hit my head, but I have had a headache all day.  And a backache, which may be related to the fall or just because I do a lot of lifting.

    Last night when I was taking out the lidded garbage Volkswagen, I noticed hundreds of worms in the driveway and on the porch.

    I tried to not roll over them, but in the dark that was impossible.

    Now I wonder what is the typical worm population of a front yard?

    Sounds like a Google rabbit hole to fall into.

Peace and Love

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