Thursday, February 29, 2024

The first selfie

 I may have started a movement  and not known it

    Years ago, in my other life, I was a journalism major at NIU.

    I was going to win a Pulitzer Prize.  Problem is, I was never "pushy" enough to be a heavy hitter in the world of journalism.  Maybe pushy isn't the right word.  But I could not go up to someone in distress, trouble, or in the center of a conflict and ask the right questions.  Good journalists, prize winning journalists, can do that and dig out the facts that may be hidden.  I could not.

    While at NIU, I took several photo classes.    

    Those worlds came together the other night.  I was looking for something in the myriad basement boxes and found this.

    It's a selfy!  (I really don't know how to spell it, so whatever seems to be in my mind is what I am going with at that moment)

    Julia said it may have been the first selfie ever taken in the history of  the world!

    So, here is your chance.

    You can own this amazing trend beginning picture for the low price of $499!

    The first person to give me cash will even get an autograph for free!!!

    Now, there are tape marks and a couple of pin holes.  I think I may have given this to Jackie when we were dating so she could hang it on her bulletin board and worship it every night before going to bed.

    Also, I may not have "fixed" this long enough, as it seems to be a bit yellow.  But I prefer to think of it as golden, and therefore worth the price.

    Just could own a piece of photo history......and believe me, this is a one of a kind photo.   You can tell I am  young; there are no nose hairs snaking out of my nostrils.

    Don't wait!  Act today!!!

Peace and Love

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