Friday, February 23, 2024

Sno fun

 Well, that was not nice, Mother Nature

    I took Beth for a walk about 2 today.  We made our way down to the end of the block, leaving a trail of blue bags along the way in case we got lost.

    By the time we started back, it had gotten noticably colder.  And windier.   Later  I went to the store and on the way home it began a cold rain, which turned to snow about 6 or so.

    Yesterday I was complaining it was so warm now I am complaining it is cold and crappy.  Mother Nature can't win when it comes to making me happy.

    Sheri and Camryn came for dinner, along with Emily.  I felt like the old rooster with all those women in the house.  Even Beth is a female.  I was outnumbered.

    We had a great time talking and laughing.  We covered almost every topic under the sun and did not seem to bore anyone.  

    A funny thing happened last night....or rather this morning.

    About 1:30 I smelled smoke.  It smelled like a campfire smell.  I checked the house and all was well.  I figured Julia may have a window open and someone was burning brush.  I know, at 1:30?

    Beth came out of her crate and went to the front door.  I put her collar on and went out with her, but I could not smell anything outside.  Beth did her business and came right back in.

    I say that because what usually happens is she goes out, sniffs, then sits on the sidewalk and looks around for 10 minutes before I bring her in.

    After she comes in, she sits by the door waiting to go out again.  I usually take her out right before bed, and she usually sniffs and sits, watching the dark world go past.

    But I digress.

    When Emily was over tonight, I mentioned this and she also was awakened at about 1:30 by the same kind of smell!  She also checked her house, but all was well.

    And Julia did not have a window open, nor did Emily..  Another mystery, eh?

    It reminded me of the time the smoke from Canadian wildfires drifted our way.  

    Wonder what tomorrow will bring.....warmth/ rain?  snow?  sun? cold?

    Time will tell.

Peace and Love

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