Monday, February 5, 2024

oh say can you see

 At this moment, not really

    This may be hard to read, at least it is sure as hell hard to type.

    I went to the eye doctor today for a 6 month check up.  My eyes are fine, maybe even better than last time, which is good news.

    But I had to have them dilated and right now, everything is bright and blurry.  Any spelling mistakes may not be caught by my superior proof reading skills....everything is a blur.

    Plus, I have a headache.  Maybe from too much light, I don't know.

    It was not a great time.  Julia drove me because I should not drive with dilated eyes.  I don't see that well to begin with.

    The appointment usually takes 45  - 60 minutes.  Today?  I left my 3 p.m. appointment at about 4:30.  They were fairly busy.  The waiting room was full of older folks, like me, all with a driver.  Julia used the time to run multiple errands and still had to wait for me.

    I do not eavesdrop.  

    But, sometimes you overhear things.

    I was sitting in the lobby, which was also pretty full, and there were 2 guys next to me.  Younger than me, but I don't know by how much.

    I really was not listening, but my ears perked up when the words "climate change" came out of the younger of the 2.  He said the polar ice caps were going to melt, end game a little chuckle.   Then he said "global worming.'

    But it was what he said next that gave me a fit.

    According to him, the hole in the ozone layer was not caused by chlorofluorocarbons in spray cans.  The government got rid of those, and the ozone hole has filled in.

    Nope...that is wrong.  The ozone layer was created when a chemical company launched a rockedt loaded with dangerous chemicals to dispose of  in space.


    He also said that he knows the world is going to erupt in war/famine/flooding/ or something else so he is thinking of buying a sailboat and going out onto the ocean to live.

    His friend said, "You know, there are pretty big waves out on the ocean."  The guy replied that was not a problem.

    Food and fresh water may be, but the monstrous waves will be ok.

    I was tempted to ask him who won the last election, but he had a cane.

Peace and Love


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