Monday, February 26, 2024


 I am going to complain about sleep.....again!

    Actually, I have been sleeping pretty well.  

    I cut down my evening liquids, I go to bed earlier, I am watching my caffeine intake and it has all been pretty good.

    Then there was last night.

    I had to use the bathroom at 1:30.  Went back to bed.

    Jackie had to use the bathroom at 1:50.  Took care of that, went back to bed.

    Beth decided that was a good time to make her second trip ever out of her kennel at night.  She went to the front door and sat, her signal that she has to go out.

    Took her out and proceeded to watch her stare at the bushes my plants, look around the neighborhood and do everything except go to the bathroom.

    By now it is about 2:15, because Beth takes her darn sweet time.  I finally got her back in, and back in her kennel, and went back to bed.

    Sometime around 4 I was informed a certain person was having trouble sleeping.  It was NOT me.

    Somehow, I fell asleep quickly after every interruption.  And yes, I did get up at 9:30, but I was very refreshed.

    I have a problem, though.  Way back when, when my feet were itching so badly at night, I started sleeping on top of the sheet and  blanket but under a throw.

    Last night I tried under the blanket, but could not sleep.  I felt trapped.  Constricted.  Caught.  Bound.

    I am so used to sleeping under the throw, I just can't adjust.

    That could be a problem when it warms up, because I am very comfortable on cold nights with just the throw.  

    Yes, I can get a lighter one, and probably have one tucked away someplace.  Lord knows I have a lot of stuff.

    I took Beth on a walk today.  It was beautiful and she is now responding to the word walk.  

    I think the dog is actually training me.

Peace and Love

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