Monday, February 19, 2024


 I am in an optimistic mood

    I just placed my Burpee seed order.

    I know, it's still cold and the ground is not ready for planting.  Come to think of it, I am not ready for planting either.  But I digress.

    My garden will look a little different this year.

    I ordered sweet corn.

    Now, I know nothing about growing sweet corn.  I figure you put the corn in the soil, stand back, pick the ears.  The corn ears, not my ears.  Keep your fingers out of my ears.  Please.

    Will I need to put up a scarecrow?  Will the deer eat the corn?  Is this a mistake?

    Time will tell.

    Of course, this is all because no super sweet corn was available last we are trying our own.

    I also got beans, peas, carrots and cucumbers.  I don't have any luck with peas or cucumbers, but I keep planting them.  I think that is the definition of insanity, keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.  This year will be different.

    We will buy tomato plants and pepper plants later.  Last year I made the mistake of buying 2 tomato plants that were the same.  The tomatoes all came ripe at one time.  This year I will buy 2 different ones, an early producer and a later producer.  But by the time I buy them, I will have forgotten that.

    Right now I am optimistic.  I can almost taste those carrots and fresh tomatoes....almost.

    Now all I have to do is sit back and wait for warmer weather.  Then, let the planting begin!

Peace and Love


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