Thursday, February 22, 2024

59??? Feb. 22???

 The last three days have been pretty darn nice

    At one point, the temperature today was 59.  In February!!  Usually we have muddy looking snow on the ground and cold temps.

    But that seems to have changed this year.

    I am going to be all over the place tonight.......bear with me.  Bear with me? Whatever.

    There is a full moon, or almost full moon.  Which leads me to the question:  Does anyone have a dog that bays at the full moon?

    It seems in cartoons with dogs, they are always baying at the full moon.  I never hear it.

    As I mentioned recently I passed the memory cognition test the doctor gave me.

    We had a couple of stops today, and after my last one I told Jackie I was going to get a decaf at Starbucks.  It was late, and I could not remember if Cypress House was still open.

    As we pulled out of the bank parking lot, I turned right and went to Walmart!

    We are driving down 38, Jackie reminded me I ordered a coffee at Starbucks.  How could I forget?  I went to Wally World, then doubled back to pick up the coffee.  So much for memory skills.

    I am throwing out one of my older garbage cans.  I put it in my new VW sized container so there is no mistaking why intent.

    Jackie said we need to clean off the closet shelves in our room.  I agree.

    I have sweaters I have not worn in 10 years.  But I like them.  My daughters and wife gave them to me.  How can I get rid of them?

    I have a shelf of old clothes to wear when I am doing projects.  I have at least 5 pairs of pants and 15-T-shirts.  How many do I need?

    We have a bag of info from when we built this house.  I think we can jettison some of that, but that involves sittng down and looking at it.  That takes time.  And patience.  I s have the time, but not the patience.

    I just need to start getting rid of stuff.  

    But how?  Everything has a memory or a's all part of my life.

    And hard to get rid of.

Peace and Love

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